Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Graphics detail

As can be seen in the "before" pictures below, windstar's graphics were getting tired.

I found an app online and after experimenting with a few different approaches I decided that radical change was not required, and that windstar could be enlivened with a few tweaks to the basic theme.



The graphics were likely installed in the late 1980's and looked ok from afar but far from OK up close.    Time to refresh!

Below are the fonts and materials chosen, and the specification provided to Derrick at Edgevinyl.  the screen font may not be 100% accurate.


1)       - To be used for topsides, port and starboard.  Existing letter height 7”, baseline width 53”.  W is 9 7/8” across its top, line weight 2 ¾”.    

a.       Font below is Avenir Next LT Pro bold italic.


2)        -  To be used for transom, letter height 6”, approx. 74” radius, baseline width (chord) approx. 45” as per current.    W is 8 3/8” across top, line weight is 1 9/16”.  (note - this was later determined to be an elliptical arc, so the radius is not a constant 74")

a.      Font below is Avenir Next LT Pro bold.


3)       -  To be used the reg numbers on either side of the bow, and also for the transom, applied below name horizontally as is currently.  Letters are 3” high, line weight ½”. 

a.      Font below is Avenir Next LT Pro Demi.

b.      As there will only be one row of text, letter height should increase to 4”.


We also created a four pointed star and Derrick incorporated that into the transom file.   The fonts chosen above were not all available in Derrick's go-to program Corel Draw, so we chose close approximations.   The curve was not actually a constant radius, it is a section of an ellipse.   Derrick fixed that in Corel.

All done!


Nice job by Derrick Reid.   The material used is FDC Lumina 4200 sign vinyl, the colour is their 011 Dark Blue.

Windstar photos 2021

 Assembling these photos as the next boat may be on the  horizon.   As we await launch (late May 2021) windstar is in the best condition she’s been in since we acquired her.   

Hull buffing and prep for fresh Graphics

May 2021, and a covid-related launch delay provided and extra four weeks to tackle some work, so I elected to replace the tired decals with new, and to polish, wax and buff the hull properly.     I'd never really committed to mastering this in the past.   

I asked an expert friend for direction and he provided the three points below.   

1)      Wash the hull sides with soapy water and a brush.  Use a healthy dose of Dawn dish detergent for the soap.  You will be amazed how much oxidization this removes.  Dawn is very harsh.  Do use it other than as a stripping wash

[I found that the gelcoat was raised where the letters had been adhered.   A weird but common phenomenon.  Google it.    This area required some wet sanding and I finally landed on a progression of 600-800-1500 grits.  After the 1500, a rubbing compound is required prior to commencing the next step.   The rubbing compound was also required to freshen the oxidized boot stripes.  I used a cheap palm buffer for this with its sponge pad.]

2)      Use Meguiar’s Marine / RV Oxidation Remover (M4916) and apply it with a wool bonnet on a variable speed buffer (DeWalt, Makita or Porter-Cable).  I have a Makita.  Buff off left over dust with a soft microfiber cloth.

        I bought industry standard Makita and its great for this and will last my lifetime.   

3)      Use Meguiar’s Flagship Premium Marine Wax and apply it with a soft foam polishing pad on a variable speed buffer.  Buff off by hand with a plush microfiber cloth.

[I found the Makita was getting heavy and that working overhead and on a ladder all day was a  a tiring struggle.  I tried my WEN 10 orbital waxer with a terrycloth pad and got a much better result for applying the wax, very even and predictable.)   

First two - Ready for launch - awaiting decals.

Others, the work in progress.